“When Democrats propose things like a Green New Deal and Medicare for all and taking away our private insurance, it’s obvious they’ve gone too radical to ever turn back.”
– Dan Crenshaw
We are living at a time that has our founders begging the Lord to resurrect them so they can save their republic from extinction. How could the gem of the Enlightenment that they articulacy crafted be detonated by those they bequeathed it to? How can anyone give such a perilous gift away that others gave their lives to protect for over 200 years? How could they imagine trading the fruits and rewards of capitalism for the empty promises and repugnancies of new leftist socialism?
The clairvoyance of our founders was uncanny. Our Constitution was scribed on the periphery of the Industrial Revolution and our framers were aware it would have to be fine-tuned in the future. They made provisions to acclimatize those fortuities without disrupting the intrinsic axioms of our governing document. And our Constitution has only been amended 27 times since our founding.
Our Constitution has been emulated by more new world nations than any recorded legal governing document. Its preamble has been utilized as a rallying call by the oppressed from the beeches of Normandy to Tiananmen Square. It’s been the benchmark for new governments since our founding in 1776.
“Let us never forget, America is great because God made her so.”
– Bishop Fulton Sheen
The U.S. Constitution created a government where free enterprise controlled our economy and did not over-regulate our personal liberties. It had limited powers and gave autonomy to the states and ultimately the people. And that has been a republican “blessing and a curse” since the fall of Rome.
The chapters of history are filled with the epitaphs of nations that deteriorated under the strains of a crisis. When people turned to government for solutions, they abdicated their liberty. This can be a gradual or an accelerated takeover like FDR’s “reign of Great Depression terror” or Obama’s Great Recession “change campaign.”
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”
– Rahm Emanuel
According to Austrian economist Thomas DiLorenzo, “FDR used the Depression and labor unions to expand government by taking over the economy which prolonged a major recession.” He took us off of the gold standard so he could finance his numerous federal giveaway programs which ruined the value of the dollar. He expanded the power of labor unions over business which undercut free enterprise. He tried to take over the Supreme Court with a scheme to “stock it with liberal justices.”
Obama rose to power on the heals of another major recession. Like FDR, Obama’s “green deal” was a “bad deal” wrapped around his 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. He said this was to stave off a depression, which masked his socialistic intentions to totally “change America” into a progressive paradise with phony green power rackets. He federalized health care, expanded social networks, increased business regulations and took control of our currency with Dodd-Frank.
FDR used the Great Depression and Industrial Revolution to burgeon government far beyond the intended limits of our founding. Obama keyed in on the identity group politics of ethnic and special interest groups to expand government and increase American dependency on federalist programs and gifts from the government. Rep. Alexandria Octavio Cortez and her socialist Twitter army have concocted a scheme for government to totally control our lives as well as the air we breathe. Her Green New Deal is a mix of Obama’s failed “green power fiasco” and FDR’s dreadful “Bad Deal”.
The Green New Deal is full of lofty plans, such as replacing airplanes with high-speed trains, strict environmental codes, and severing America’s fossil-fuel umbilical cord. But it doesn’t stop there. Besides “de-carbonizing” America, Cortez’s obliquity is a progressive wish-list of policies including socialized medicine, federal paychecks for those who do not work, guaranteed wages, and more power to the unions.
“We will eliminate poverty as well as emissions.”
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Anyone who attended school before Common Core could never imagine a politician today pitching something more radical than FDR’s “Raw Deal” or Obama’s “Change double-cross” to America! So what makes Cortez’s Green New Deal “shell game” a greater threat to our republic than anything in history? It was created to appeal to our most gullible and politically uneducated voting block; the Millennials. And according to a recent Harris poll, 52 percent of them prefer socialism over capitalism?
The socialist left and liberal media spent four years creating a crisis to take down Trump and the GOP. COVID-19 was a gift from leftist nirvana they won’t let go to waste. What makes it so surreal, it was a carefully planned socialist coup that has been on their drawing board since Baron Obama was crowned king of America. Now they have the crisis they longed for. They can rule America by fiat and ration liberty like Lenin did in Russia and Hitler did in Germany under the guise of green power.
“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.”
– Adolf Hitler
Singer Bob Dylan wrote, “Those without position can be led in any direction.” This is the danger of reactionary politics. When a group adopts loose incoherent slogans like tax the rich, fair share, change, green power, share the wealth etc. without clear, coherent political content, it’s easy to sell their snake oil to identity groups. They’ve altered the course of history with Communism, socialism, and other rogue regimes. And those nations never recovered. If there is a regime change, people are so accustomed to living in oppression, they don’t realize the benefits of capitalism and liberty.
Abraham Lincoln said, “America will not be destroyed from outside but from within.” We venerate Athens as the birthplace of democracy, and the Roman Empire as incubator for our republicanism. We borrowed the best postulates from each when they fashioned our Constitution. Realizing their failures, our founders gave us a democratic republic to protect us from federal overreach. But they never predicted people would allow political parties to take control of government away from them.
In the past, Americans recognized both the affinities and failures of our society and those of ancient Athens and Rome. This enabled us to maintain control over our own destiny. We were able to think for ourselves about the benefits and dangers within our nation and how we wanted to live and what kind of legacy we wanted to leave for the next generation. Now we are cloning every generation to play follow the leader, while every far left Pied Piper flutes us further down the road to socialism.
The Green New Deal is another progressive myth to camouflage their desire to turn our republic into a socialist state. They created a crisis and are using it to sell their “New Bad Deal” to America at their convention. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it didn’t fall in one. But when it did, it fell hard and it never recovered. Will we allow that to happen here? We’re one election away from finding out. Will crisis-driven politics determine our fate or will the rules of the republic prevail?
The article was published at Op-Ed: The Green New Deal, never let a crisis go to waste.
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